Thursday, September 13, 2012

benefits of strowberry

make it a habit to consume this fruit because a lot of benefits that you will get it

1. Strawberry able to shrink cholesterol levels.
2. Strawberry can help immobilize the active work because cancer
it contains ellagic acid.
3. Strawberry can reduce the symptoms of stroke.
4. Strawberry contains anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory.
5. Concentrations of seven antioxidants in strawberries was higher than other fruits or vegetables, so that the strawberry is a fruit that effectively prevents the oxidation process in the body (Oxidation is the destruction of tissue by free radicals. Oxidation is also responsible for the aging process).
6. Strawberry is rich in vitamin C is very beneficial for growing children.
7. Strawberry are just a little too perfect for sugar diet for people with diabetes.
8. Strawberry is eaten regularly can smooth the skin and make the skin tone appear brighter and cleaner. Other notable properties that are anti-wrinkle!
9. Strawberry can whiten or clean the tooth surface.
10. Strawberry effective against rheumatism and arthritis.
11. Strawberry leaves are also nutritious because it has astringent substances.
Three to four cups of water to the stew strawberry leaves per day, can effectively stop an attack of diarrhea.
12. Adult requirement of vitamin C per day can be satisfied by 8 pieces of strawberry (98 mg). Also at the same bias fiber needs are met.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

benefits of papaya

Papaya is a fruit that is easy on the can and the price is cheap, so make it a habit to eat it because it is useful for you and your keluara

1. Useful for Wound Healing

If you have a wound or injury, use only skin papaya. The skin can help to heal skin wounds and injuries.

2. Useful for Diet

Papaya is a nutritious low calorie fruit. Eating papaya with the content is very good for those who are on a diet.

3. Beneficial for Healthy Hair

According to research by teratut eating papaya can help hair growth and can also control the appearance in many dandruff hair disease.

4. Helpful Overcoming Osteoporosis, arthritis, and edema

In the papaya fruit contains anti-inflammatory compounds and anti-cancer very much. For those of you who are experiencing edema, osteoporosis, and arthritis are advised to eat papaya regularly.

5. Helpful for Treating Constipation and Digestive Disorders

can help to overcome digestive disturbances, such as help smooth bowel movement, try

6. Useful to Expel Body Toxins

Papaya fruit is a part of a very potent detox solution. Eating papaya in an amount sufficient to eliminate toxins in the body.

So some explanation of the benefits of papaya fruit. Seeing a huge benefit to health then you should use it well.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

7 Ways to Speed ​​up Computer

7 Ways to Speed ​​up Computer

To speed up the computer, in my experience there are two kinds, speed up computer performance and speed with the help of computer software manual way. Of the two kinds of ways, the first way is relatively safe to do so and certainly easier because you simply click, then the software will do the job. How to speed up the second computer , have a greater risk and I do not recommend.
Both kinds of ways to speed up computer above, all of which can lead to risky Flaws in the boot or just can not perform any services that previously could run smoothly.

Before you make 7 Ways to Speed ​​up computer, make sure you do a backup system (create a restore point) to avoid the risk of your computer that you do not want. Now, the time has come for me to share a little of what I know. In this artiek, I will only discuss how to speed up your computer with the manual method.

    1. Adjust Hardware With Your Needs The most important components in a computer is the hardware. You will not get the maximum results if the hardware running the latest software on your computer for example only Pentium 4. So, adjust your hardware needs so that you can speed up your computer.

    2. Use Best Antivirus For Scanning Computer from Viruses, Spyware and Adware Antivirus to be one software that must exist dikomputer you. By using the best anti-virus, your computer will be protected from attack Virus, Spyware and Adware that will make your system even more difficult because the virus will usually do the process in the background .

    3. Perform periodic Defragment Disk Defragment In a process that was originally set file into organized mess in a way that will facilitate system's file he needs. With a well-organized file system of your windows, the computer will automatically run faster (speeding up the computer).

    4. Windows File System Scan to check for damage to the file system An operating system is a collection of files that perform different functions. It is possible, over time, that one or more system files has changed or become corrupted. If this happens, your system's speed can be reduced. By using a utility called "System File Checking", he will examine the files correctly the problem can be found.

    5. Reduce startup programs that run automatically at boot or startup will slow down the boot process. So it would be wise if you throw a minimum reduce the list software that runs automatically when startup.Untuk remove some software on the startup list how: Click Start> Run> Type "msconfig" without the quotes> Enter> Select the Startup tab> uncheck software you want to dispose of the boot process.

    6. Uninstall Software Computers That Already Do not You Use / Need Over time, you may have installed a variety of software into your computer system. Addition will make your hard disk is full, of course, will affect also the system because they have to read thousands and even millions of files.

    7. Adjust Visual Effects for Best Performance Windows position provides some interesting visual effects including animated windows and fading menus. If you do not have enough operating memory (see above number 1), these effects can slow down your computer. Adjusting or reducing visual effects can make a difference. To speed up Vista on your computer you can disable certain features and functions that are not used. For more information, see "How to speed up Windows Vista."

How? ... I hope the above article useful for you to speed up your computer.

Monday, September 03, 2012

angel transformed into a scavenger

Many people who have the heart to throw out the baby is still alive for many reasons. Shame because the baby born out of wedlock, or .. afraid because they do not have the funds to support the baby. But you know, a scavenger in China to adopt 30 babies discarded. This is the greatness of God's heart is sometimes not able to feel all of those.

This woman's name is Lou Xiaoying, the current age of 88 years. Her work is a garbage collector, Xiaoying Lou husband died 17 years ago. Difficult living conditions and economic constraints do not discourage Xiaoying Lou to do good to our fellow human beings. He has adopted the 30 infants since 1972.

Although he was already aging, kindness Xiaoying Lou did not recede with age. Adoption of the youngest child is now six years old, her name is Zhang Qilin. Xiaoying Lou found the baby in the trash. With a weakened condition, the woman took the baby to his home the very small to be treated. "Now he has become a child's healthy and happy," said Lou Xiaoying.
Lou Xiaoying (c) idigitaltimes

Meanwhile, the adoption of the first child found Xiaoying Lou on the road, a baby girl. "He was lying among rubbish on the street, homeless," recalled the old woman. With limited Not all babies are found and treated Xiaoying Lou continued with him into adulthood. Some of them are better able to adopt a family.

"I do not understand why people would leave it as weak as a baby on the way," said Lou Xiaoying. For him, these babies are precious beings, they should receive compassion and love.

This story began to spread throughout China and the world's attention. Someone who sympathize with this story Someone sympathetic to Lou said that the government, schools, and the people of China who do not do anything about it should be ashamed of Lou. "He has no money or power, but was able to save children from death and worse conditions," he said.

The real story proves that kindness one can not be judged by the material. A garbage collector who lives difficult could have a heart of gold noble.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

benefits of fruits for your health

In fact, the benefits of the fruit that you eat often far greater than you know.

1. As an active man, you are required to perform excellent at all times. It's hard to focus the time deadline. Do not panic! Try mango consumption regularly. With the amount of vitamin C and Pottasium, mango can help your body and mind fit.

2. Appearance of healthy skin, the main requirements. Because the principle, you need to lock all eyes by the look fresh and charming as often terpancarkan your footsteps. To get skin like this dream, in fact, not difficult. Did you know that guava fruit has a special facility? Rich in beta-Carotene, a guava fruit helps maintain the condition of your skin!

3. Beginning is easy to keep your body fresh from the blazing sun is often a hindrance to maximizing self drinking water. Create your pengggemar orange, be happy! Due to the diligent eating an orange sign that you are helping yourself to prevent dehydration. The content of vitamin C in a lot of water content in oranges help prevent dehydration and of course keep you to stay fresh all the time.

4. Last but not least, have the ideal body is the dream of all people. For you, eating a low-fat, exercise, diet to be the answer. But there is an easy solution and favors that we can offer to you, do this by regularly eating apples as part of a balanced diet, because they contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals are good for maintaining a healthy weight. The result? Ideal tempting body was now not just a dream, you can have good luck ....

result often lie to make the body sick

Always be honest and avoid the lies are all the lessons learned since childhood. Honesty is not only makes a person has the ethics and resented by many people, real honesty brings greater benefits. Telling the truth can be a reason to keep them healthy.

Those who rarely lie has physical health and mind better than those who like telling lies, according to a study reported in the American Psychological Association, as reported Newsmaxhealth, Tuesday (7/8). You can use this research to keep themselves and health by always honest.

The study was conducted on 110 volunteers who have aged 18 to 71 years. For two weeks, they were divided into 2 groups. The first group was asked to always be honest, while the second group was not given any instructions. All volunteers undergo a lie detector test with detector machines, medical tests and assessments to measure how much the relationship lies perpetrated.

When volunteers many lies, their health condition deteriorated, explains Anita Kelly, head of the study and professor of psychology at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. "When they reduced the amount of lies, their health conditions improved," he continued.

From now on, let's learn to be an honest person, because you are going to get the benefit.

benefits of lychee fruit to prevent breast cancer

Lychee, a fruit that is similar blend of rambutan and longan fruit. That said, the name means blessing lychees happy life.

Hmm ... who does not happily tasted the sweet taste of this acid?

Well, actually lecy was first discovered in Asia. This tropical fruit has a pretty shady trees and comfortable. Often bear fruit in the summer just like longan and rambutan. Lychee fruit vitamin content, not less rich in other fruits.

In fact, a study suggests that lychees contains flavonoids that can help fight cancer cells in the body, as reported by Indiatimes. The content of vitamin C is not only good for the skin, but protects the heart, away from the cancer cells, both for bone and skin tissue.

In traditional China, the lychee fruit is used as a drug that can cure a sore throat, flu and fever. In addition, lychees are also rich in fiber so it is recommended to those who run the diet program.

Here is the lychee fruit nutrition:

energy 66kcal
81.76 grams of water
16.53 grams of carbohydrates

health benefits of watermelon for

Fresh fruit with a cheerful red color is much preferred because the price is not too expensive. Although cheap, watermelon has great benefits for health. The sweet taste of watermelon can sweeten your life.

Good For the Heart and Bones

In addition to tomatoes, watermelon has become one of the fruit is very rich in lycopene. Lycopene is a carotenoid, a type of antioxidant that can prevent damage to body cells from free radicals. In addition, lycopene also protects the body from cholesterol. A recent study suggests that lycopene is good for heart health as well as bone health, as reported whfoods. Watermelon is a fruit with a high lycopene content.

Lycopene Rich In Antioxidants

In addition of citrus and guava, watermelon is a wonderful resource for lycopene. As explained above, watermelon is rich in lycopene. In addition to heart and bone health, function as an antioxidant lycopene. As an antioxidant, lycopene amazing ability to neutralize free radical molecules that can damage cells and tissues. In addition to health, antioxidant support female beauty, such as making the skin look healthy and youthful.

Avoid Dehydration and Fiber Rich

Watermelon is a fruit with a high water content. So no wonder if the fruit is very

about teen sex

In a survey about the sex lives of teenagers conducted by involving approximately 1051 men and women, obtained the following results.

* At least 65% of students have an education about sexually transmitted diseases and contraception in the class. And 25% of students have never completely get educated about it.

* Nearly 60% of students will discuss their sexual experience with his sex partner, especially when it comes to intercourse or sexual contact.

* 34% of men and 24% of women said that their first sexual experience without plan surprise alias. And usually happen sooner than they planned.

* The students perform intercourse with an average of 1.2 partners last year.

* In this survey, 18% of women claim to be virgins while men only 34% are still virgin.

signs of pregnancy

some signs that can be used as guidelines, as early signs of pregnancy.

1. Fatigue
Easily tired and uninspired is one sign of pregnancy. Increased levels of the hormone progesterone that occurs early in pregnancy may cause drowsiness. Usually symptoms of fatigue will end after two trimester of gestation.

2. Breast swelling
Early signs of pregnancy is swollen and sensitive breasts due to increased hormone levels, usually occurs a week after your period late. Discomfort from swelling is similar to what we usually feel symptoms before menstruation.

3. Nausea and vomiting
Symptoms of nausea and vomiting are common among pregnant women commonly referred to as morning sickness. These symptoms can appear at any time, not just in the morning. In general, pregnant women first experience in a month after conception, but others feel it more quickly.

4. Bleeding a little
Approximately 11-12 days after conception, sometimes appearing reddish spots on the vagina. The bleeding occurs because the seed implanted in the uterine lining. Generally

how to maintain eye health

Healthy body and organs inside the body so needs to be maintained. From start to maintain eye health, skin health, hair health, dental care, nail care, and health in other parts of the entire body, both from within and from outside. Maintaining eye health is an important thing to be aware of. You should be able to take care of your eyes with good health. Here's the info from the eye health tips will be discussing about how to care for eye health and eye health to avoid all diseases and other eye disorders.

For those of you who use contact lens or contact lens, also needed extra care, so that your eyes remain healthy.

Actually there are 7 easy ways to keep your eyes healthy, in this article we provide a variety of tips to our visual senses both children and adults are not exposed to diseases such as minus, plus or cataracts. Why should we keep? Did you know according to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates there are 45 million people with blindness on the planet and it wiliayah third in Southeast Asia, where we live.

There are 7 easy tips Eye Health Care can be done every person in maintaining eye health:

1. Balanced Diet
Apparently the diet has something to do with eye health, so while doing the diet by eating nutritious foods with vegetables and fruits. Always choose foods that contain vitamin A, C, and E because it can improve the health of the human eye. Furthermore, eating salmon can also provide a very good effect.

2. Avoid Living Habits Poor
This method actually applies to maintaining the health of the entire body to avoid minumanng yes alcoholic and eliminate the habit of smoking. Scientists say, smoking can make eye cataracts, macular degeneration (loss of sharpness of vision), and nerve damage in the eye. And drinking too much alcohol can make pupillary reaction so unstable, blurred vision until the myopic eye.

3. Perform routine checks Eyes
Often modern humans do not realize that stress can impact

benefits of strowberry

make it a habit to consume this fruit because a lot of benefits that you will get it 1. Strawberry able to shrink cholesterol levels...